For me, the value of a photograph increased drastically when I was 20 years old. I had just given birth to my firstborn, and though our mother-daughter relationship was due to be much different than most, I knew photographs would be our main connection. And for 17 years, it was!
Now, as the President of Honey Bee Print, my job is to communicate with you the importance of documenting your story – through photography and the written word.
As a birth mother, my relationship with my daughter started with unlimited letters and photos for the first five years. After the first five years, I was given a letter and photo yearly. So when I say “our main connection” was through photographs I wasn’t being dramatic. Every year, on my daughter’s birthday, I would anticipate seeing her growth and hearing about her new obsession or milestone. It was the only information I had – a photograph and a letter.
When I was approached about being a part of the Honey Bee Print team, I was ecstatic, not only because I believe in the companies foundation, but because I believe in the importance of telling and printing your story.
My daughter and I have since been physically reconnected. The joy that comes from this fact is one I have yet to find adequate words. Now, (living a few states away) our main connection is FaceTime, but even after all this time, it’s also PHOTOGRAPHS!

My Little Butterfly
I have pictures of her freshly born.
I have pictures of her at my parent’s home just hours before I placed her for adoption.
I have pictures of her when she was raggedy Anne for Halloween.
I have pictures of her senior prom.
I have pictures of her graduation.
I have a picture of the day we met!
I have pictures of her college apartment.
I have a picture of us holding our favorite chapstick together.
I have a picture of both of my daughters together!
I have a picture of the two of us together – when she turned 19 (the same age I was when I got pregnant with her).
I have a picture of all four of my beautiful children together, at last!
There is nothing that holds more value than the tangible items I have that bring back these memories. Life is meant to be enjoyed and remembered.
What tangible items have you created to tell your story?
What photographs are most significant to you?
How are you preserving the sweetness of every moment?